I finally held my little niece and she didn't cry. Yay!
I love you. I really do. Thanks for being there even when I'm not. You support me through every trial big and small. You understand me. When I push you hug. When I cry you hold. When I pray you listen. Before I am lost you've already found me. You are a still small voice whsipering the same thing over and over until I get it. You never lose your temper when I screw up.
You are true love.
You are my God.
When you are stuck in a place that is not the place you wish to be, time is not your friend.
When you are in a place you want to be, time is still against you.
Time is never with you. God is with you, but not time. God is outside of time. (That Must be nice.) To be in existance without time...just think about it.
Why as humans do we not have enough time? You don't have enough time to get to work. Not enough time to spend with friends and family. Not enough time to pick up that hobby. Not enough time to see your kids. Not enough time to see the ends of the earth.
When we die, time dies. Time may be against you but it isn't your enemy. Time lives with us. Time is unique for each of us. Time will respect you if you respect it.
A rant for the day.