Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So maybe I was losing hope for a sec but I'm back in the game.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Auto complete

This is what happens when you don't read what you write. Auto complete retool make you look like an outdoor. Our minds are so used to this happening that we have the ability to auto fix in our minds. Us this a good thing? Maybe. Our maybe we need less and less language to get our points across. Having the strong words in a sentence only affects the meaning it's the context is string sad well. Do you get what I'm setting?
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Haven't posted in a while. Here are some pictures of a recent events:

This is Andrea standing on a frozen lake in McCall, ID

Frozen Lake!

More frozen Lake!

My parents enjoying a beverage in the local beverage shop

Andrea wearing the Marty Gra beads my mom bought her. (Is that legal?)

And that's about it. Soon I might get some new shoes. That will be nice. Real Nice! The End.