January: Speeding ticket
I received my first speeding ticket on New Year's day. The future wife and I were on our way home from sledding and the NOPD decided my speed was just a bit too much for their quiet suburban neighborhood. I naturally tried to blame Andrea for the ticket saying that sledding was her idea thus the ticket was her fault. It didn't work and North Ogden made a cool 75 bucks off of me.
February: San Fransisco
Andrea was in Redding for the first part of the year. So during Christmas break we planned a trip for me to San Fransisco. She drove down and picked me up and we had a wonderful Valentines weekend. That was the longest stretch of not seeing each other we went through that year. The trip was fun and we hugged the whole weekend.

March: My last normal month as a college student
Yes, that's right normal. March was full of the last big college adventures:
1. Like when the Army landed black hawks on campus and I covered the news story.
2. I went home to my parents house for one of the last times to recuperate during spring break. aka Dad and I took a nap.

April: Thesis
Senior Seminar Thesis...That's the only thing that can define this month. The culmination of my college career in one paper. A paper that to date is one of the worst put together documents in the history of a senior thesis. It was so bad me and a few others in the class were calculating how bad we could do on the paper and still graduate. Turns out you could do pretty bad and still get away with a diploma. I even skipped that last class when we were supposed to present our findings. Why you ask? I didn't know how to present nothing.
May: Graduation
I made it. Yep, I finished a bachelors in Communication. I had a lot of fun doing it. I learned a lot and met some of the best educational influences of my life. I was excited to leave and to fend for myself in the real world. I had no idea what was coming next...
June: Internship
Well except for this minor internship. I interned and at KUTV 2 in Salt Lake. I learned a lot:
1. I can't write
2. Each department was more worried about the mistakes of others than communicating and putting together a good news cast.
3. It takes going out on two news stories to about death to make you completely insensitive to victims and the public.
4. Gephardt is one of the funniest guys you'll ever meet.
5. Riding the Front Runner everyday forced me to apply for every available job I could find.
I also made it into a Get Gephardt (Watch the video in the link) Lame I know.
July: New Job
I received a lot of rejection emails. Sad I know but a part of life. Then one day in the first weeks of July I received a phone call at work. It was an interview. Next thing you know I was offered the job and leaving Weber State for good. The new job landed me at Utah State University. It was at a distance education campus in Salt Lake, the main campus being located in Logan. I was scared to death. I would be doing IT service desk work along with night managing classes.Starting a new job and getting married in three weeks was so stressful I'm sure I black out for hours at a time each day.
August: Wedding
Andrea and I got married! The weeks leading up to the wedding were some of the most stressful weeks of my life, but in the end it was all worth it. After the wedding we spent the night in the Hilton (Airport) Penthouse suite then the next morning flew off to Hawaii for a week.
September: Became an Adult
Not that I wasn't an adult already (lol) but getting married forces a boy to break down and become a man. I had to "buy" my car from my parents, get auto insurance, and learn how to juggle work/ a life.
October: Lameness
October flew by. Really it did. Between work and being married I don't think much else happened.
November: Turkey
I ate turkey sometime towards the end of the month.
December: Sat on Santa's lap
Christmas is always good for a laugh. I say laugh because after you get married and before you have kids what else is there. Hanging out with the family and sitting on Santa's lap make you feel like a kid again without a care in the world.