I like baby carrots. I can't help it. The wife buys them and I eat them. I'm also a visual eater. If I find something in my food that doesn't look right it generally turns me off to that item of food.
Today I found a not so "baby carrot" in my bag of baby carrots. This carrot was double the size and almost looked like it was the genetic freak sibling of its other baby carrot brothers and sisters. Now there was probably nothing wrong with this one but it prompted me to do a little research into the origination of the "baby carrot."
According to a USA Today Article from 2004 the baby carrots come from regular sized carrots that are deformed or misshaped. They are cut in two in pieces and shaved twice to give them that nice skinless round look. Cleaned and then packaged.
So the next time I find a freak baby carrot I won't worry about its size but I still don't think I'll eat it.
Here's the link to the USA Today Article for your reading pleasure:
USA Today Baby Carrots
Mike, I think you're nuts, but thanks for the info on the baby carrots. Good to know. Good to know.