Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Professional Lunch

I recently ate lunch with two bosses and and coworker at P.F. Changs. The entire time I was sitting there I had a lot of interesting thoughts flowing through my mind.

Don't spit rice at your boss while you talk.
Don't be the first to finish your rice bowl.
Try not to say "huh?" too many times.
Don't drool.
Resist the urge to unbutton your jeans to allow for more food to enter your stomach.
Despite what she says DO NOT say "that's what she said"
You can look at the strange Chinese statues behind your boss but don't stare at them for too long.
Ignore the call from your wife. Send her a quick text.
Laugh lightly at their jokes.
Don't cry.
Defend your actions.
Hold in that fart.

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