Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Short Term Part 2

Does the digital world that we live in contribute to our short term lives?

Everything we do in the digital world leans toward the short term mind set. Facebook and Twitter allow us to be more connected than ever with friends and family. We summarize events, entire days, and life changing moments with a single post. This post flashes for only a moment letting the world see you if they choose to look, then it falls to the bottom of the list. A text message conversation quickly becomes extinct as your phone clears old messages. Even email, with its seemingly endless storage capacities, has a way of loosing a thought under th piles of digital junk mail.

Will my grandchildren see the love letters (emails) I wrote my wife before we were married? Or will it be lost forever in my Gmail account? Will my home videos and photographs hold the same value once they're posted to the web? Am I trusting in Google and Facebook to store all of my memories in hopes that they will be there fifty years from now?

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