Saturday, April 24, 2010

Technology and Me

Technology and I get along great. We generally hang out everyday and work on all sorts of things together. We solve problems, explore the universe, and we just have a fun time. Occasionally we run into a problem or and issue but together we fix it and learn from the experience.

But then there was Wednesday...

Technology reminded me that it doesn't owe me a thing and it can essentially do what it wants. The simple fact that a company that is supposed to protect end users from malware can cause so much damage with a small mistake. I lucked out at my work. Only two machines updated with the faulty DAT file and crashed. Other places around the nation/world completely shut down their offices for the day because of widespread computer failure.

I did more IT detective work yesterday then I have in the last year. It didn't help either that the two computers that crashed at my job were my two bosses. When something like this happens you, as the IT person, are supposed to have the answers/solutions to the issue. Yesterday, left IT personnel around the world completely speechless. Everyone was trying everything and listening to each other's suggestions like never before. There was kind of a tech nerd beauty about the whole thing.


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