Monday, November 15, 2010

insurmountable task

Remember how big things were as a kid? Everything was big and difficult. I was listening to my young cousins react to the mess they had to clean up in the family room at my grandma's house and it made me laugh. The mess only consisted of toys scattered across the floor, but to them the cleanup job was insurmountable. What would take an adult a total of five minutes to clear was going to, in their minds, take a life time. All of this made me think back to my childhood and how my room was always a mess or the basement was recovering from friends sleeping over. Or even problems at school or with friends. I remembered thinking the same things about how difficult the clean up process was going to be. It made me laugh again at how simple my mind was as a child and how, over time, I learned to tackle what once were insurmountable tasks as an adult. Another part of me wonders if we still look at things the same way as we did as children. The only difference is the "mess in the basement" is a lot bigger and complicated. All we need to do is ask God to help us clean it up or at least get his input on the situation. He looks at the mess the same way a parent looks at their child's mess. He sees the big picture and will provide you with knowledge and favor to work through any issue. He has even said death and illness are conquered so no situation is outside of his grace and mercy. God has given us full access to his throne and said ask and it will be given to you! If we don't ask, how can he give to us? We are not servants but friends of the most high God! He asks nothing in return except to be with us. He wants to partner with us in every situation. If you think I'm crazy, try it. Even if you you're an atheist, you can try it. You don't have to be religious or a part of a church. God didn't create religion, man did. All you need is to ask God and he will reply. You'll know it when you see it.
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