Thursday, November 11, 2010

pick up rant

I don't care for politics. I rarely engage in debate about senseless political topics. I don't think healthcare reform will doom us. In my heart of hearts I know that if this or that party makes it into office the world will not end. I don't believe in cable news. I hate when someone begins a conversation with what they heard on any newsentertainment cable show. And yes, they are entertainment shows. Shows that invoke emotion so you will watch Viagra commercials. The media is no more slanted to one side over the other. They choose what they want to report based on what they think you will watch. If a Christian organization owns your news agency, than yes you will hear it differently than other media outlets. Everyone has an agenda. What I do care about is life. I care about my family's life. I care about your life. I also, whether you believe it, care about random individuals. I believe life begins the moment the little sperm hits that little egg. I believe stopping that process is a tragedy and an injustice for the child being put to death. I realize this is a hot topic, but I rarely touch on these things. I still love you even if you hate me. I still love he person who does what I don't agree with. Hating someone for what they have done will never change a culture. My battery is dying. I'll rant more later.
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