Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Work has been busy lately. Life has been slow. At least these two things complement each other. I really need to spend some time on this training presentation I have on Friday. I have an hour and 15 minutes to fill. The easy part is it's on technology. The bad part is that it is related to distance education. "How can we make this better..." and so on. My schedule has also been messed up this week. That doesn't really seem to help either. The only benefit is having into the afternoon to spend with Andrea. She loves me a lot. I'm really glad she does too. The last 6 or so months have been tough but as a couple God has brought us together in a way that I couldn't even explain to another married couple. It's hard to see what God has planned for us in the future but whatever it is I know Andrea and I will be able to handle it. We've gotten to the point where we have to start trusting him in every area of life. He will heal and He will provide. He does heal and He does provide. There is no other way to look at it. You can't do it on your own. You can't say "well if he doesn't show up then..." That statement is the definition of religion. It's hard, but if you press in you will have that private victory and with that  a corporate victory! People need to see the power of God!

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