Tuesday, October 26, 2010

databasing it Access style

I've been on one lately. I've spent the last week creating an inventory database in Access while at the same time teaching myself Access. I can only honestly say it has to be a supernatural knowledge download from God. I tried to do this once before but I was completely lost. I couldn't get anything to work the way I wanted it to. But since I convinced my boss that the spreadsheets were eventually going to kill us and that a database was the only way to manage our ever expanding inventory, things have been kicking! Now don't get me wrong, I've seen some pretty amazing databases in Access and some would say I'm a sissy for using Access in the first place, but what I've done with what I know deserves a virtual pat on the back. Heck, I'd upload screen shots if it wasn't such a boring thing to be bragging about. It's still not finish and has a long way to go but I feel confident in saying that I believe this will be adopted at the new inventory management system for my region of the state. w00t!

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