Monday, October 4, 2010


The night's almost over. Another Monday. Tear. I got to get out of the office today. That was a plus. I like that it rained. I like the changing of the seasons. I don't like being stuck in a season forever. I love when winter first pops its head in but but give me a month and I'm ready for spring. Changing seasons is one of the most amazing things on earth.

Andrea and I are going to Redding in a two more weeks. I'm excited. I'm just not showing it with my punctuation. We're going to visit friends but most of all we're going to spend time with God. I feel like our personal season is in middle of change. I feel like it's been this way for a couple of months and in two weeks it will reach its peak. God will speak to us there. He speaks to everyone everywhere(whether they are listening or not) but some times when you pick up and go your mind and heart are set on hearing. The more you expect from God the more he expects to give you. I'm serious about this. Andrea needs a miracle and we know God will heal the MS. I don't know what the future holds, but when I put my trust in God I know it's in good hands.

The seeds are planted in fertile ground, now all we need is the son.

Peace out internet world.

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