Thursday, March 25, 2010

raised medians=WTF

I understand the thought process behind installing raised medians on 12th Street, but at the same time do they really make the road safer?

The wife and I were trying to go to the three dollar theater located on the south east corner of 12th and Wall Ave. Because of the new raised medians you can only access the theater and other business if you are traveling North or East. Cars traveling South or West have to make what I feel is unsafe U-turns in the middle of Wall Ave. Don't get me wrong I love making U-turns but I'm afraid of the idiot in the other car.

Now I may not have all the information here and UDOT probably conducted studies before deciding to install raised medians but seriously, they suck. I know over time people adjust and they'll plan to drive a different route so they can avoid the dangerous U-Turn, but is it worth it? Is it? Were there really that many accidents there? Is my sanity worth these so called raised medians?

Just a thought.

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