Monday, March 22, 2010

what do you want to do? Part 1

I hate that question. It gets attached to your life at a young age. People start asking you as soon as you get in school. Some kids know at an early age. They say "I want to be an astronaut" or "I want to be a mommy just like my mommy" or "I want to be the first to climb a mountain" and so on. 

When junior high hits you begin to take personality and career tests. They tell you this and that. They say "hey kid you should be a doctor because you answered some of these questions a certain way" or "your personality shows that you are very talkative and like it when people recognize your struggles so you should be a politician." 

In high school all they teach you is that you have to go to college if you want to "do what you want to do" or "find out what you want to do." You take a few fun classes but what you really need to learn slips through the cracks. You may run into a few teachers that mold your future or inspire you to make a career choice, but chances are you're more likely to be inspired by a Hollywood film portraying a teacher or a coach inspiring a class or an entire school.

If you make it to college you fall in one of two categories: You're paying for it or you're parents are paying for it. You have at most two years before you have to make any solid decisions about your "major." This time gives a chunk of "young adults" the space they need to try a few different classes and try to find "what they want to do." Then there are the rest of the "twenty somethings" that pick open a course catalog and flip to a random page...BINGO A MAJOR! 

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